Filmmaker Anurag Kashyap, who has made hit films like ‘Gangs of Wasseypur’, is now awaiting the release of his next film ‘Almost Pyaar with DJ Mohabbat’. He gave an interview during the promotion of the same, in which he recalled his initial days in Mumbai. Also told about the struggle.
Film Director Anurag Kashyap : Because of this the first wife pushed Anurag out of the house, he was forced to sleep on the footpath by paying 6 rupees
Filmmaker Anurag Kashyap, who has made hit films like ‘Gangs of Wasseypur’, is now awaiting the release of his next film ‘Almost Pyaar with DJ Mohabbat’. He gave an interview during the promotion of the same, in which he recalled his initial days in Mumbai. Also told about the struggle.
Filmmaker Anurag Kashya, who became the talk of the town for his upcoming film ‘Almost Pyaar with DJ Mohabbat’, needs no introduction. Everyone is aware of him. He has given many hits and now he is expecting the same from this movie. Now during the promotion of this, the director gave an interview, in which he has opened all the layers of his struggling life. He has told how in the initial days in Mumbai he had to sleep on the footpath and had to pay for that too.
In the year 1993, Anurag Kashyap had stepped into Mumbai. In Mashable India’s YouTube series ‘The Bombay Journey’, the director talks about the city of Mumbai and laments how much it has changed in the 30 years since he has lived here. He had a story for every street corner. The filmmaker also pointed to the footpath on which he used to sleep at nights as he had no place to stay.
Anurag Kashyap used to sleep on the footpath
Anurag Kashyap told that sometimes he used to get permission to stay in Imtiaz Ali’s college and to keep his belongings in Juhu’s Prithvi Theatre. He was also allowed to use the washroom there in the morning. But at night he had to fend for himself. He said, ‘At that time there was a garden in the middle of Juhu circle, which used to be roundabout without any signal. We used to sleep here, but sometimes they would drive us out of there. Then we went to Versova Link Road, where there was a wide footpath. People used to sleep there in line. But you had to pay 6 rupees to sleep there. Which I gave.
Anurag Kashyap started drinking alcohol day and night
Anurag Kashyap told that he was the co-writer of Ram Gopal Varma’s ‘Satya’. After this he made his directorial debut and made the film ‘Paanch’, which flopped. After this she released her second film ‘Black Friday’ and ran into trouble on the very first day itself. The director told, ‘I locked myself in a room and started drinking since then. it was all over. I drank heavily for a year and a half. Aarti (ex-wife) threw me out of the house. My daughter was then only four years old. Those times were very difficult. I was starting to feel sad. Five more Black Fridays had stalled. Allwyn Kalicharan also went into cold storage. Another film that no one knew about was also not made. I was thrown out of Tere Naam and Kaante… I was drinking and I was fighting all these battles, and I was thrown out of projects that I had written and been a part of. It was a very bad phase.
Anurag Kashyap made his name in the industry
After facing so much, Anurag Kashyap did not give up. He made a name for himself with both the parts of ‘Gangs of Wasseypur’ and showed how much guts he has. Along with this, many famous actors were also given a chance in that film, who have become very famous today. Anurag Kashyap co-directed India’s first Netflix series. Whose name was Sacred Games. That too was a big hit.